Lrwg Store
Floating & Aerating Plants
Bog Plants

Your fish will truly love these plants!

Note:  Use the links at the bottom of this page to view other plants in this category.

Water Hyacinth
Water Hyacinth

Beautiful purple blooms.  The long thick root system, makes good for spawning fish.  (tropical)

Water Lettuce
Water Lettuce

Very nice foliage with the lettuce look.  Root system makes good for spawning fish.  (tropical)

Primrose Creeper
Primrose Creeper

Bright yellow flowers and fast growing.  Perfect for fish cover.  Zones:  5-11

Parrot's Feather
Parrot's Feather
$3.00 (Bunch of 10)

Very Popular!  Lush lime green foliage that trails along the water's surface.  Looks great in pond, falls and stream areas.  Good for spawning fish.  Zones:  6-11

$3.00 (bunch of 10)

Helps to filter and aerate the pond's water.  Works toward a healthier pond environment.  (hardy)

Bull, Pickerel, Spike & Zebra Rush

Cattails, Horsetail & Lizard's Tail

Papyrus, Paper Reed, P. Wort & Poppy

Rainbow, Sagittaria, Sw'flag & Thalia

Arrowheads & Umbrella Palms

Mint, Bamboo & Celery

Taro, Canna & Iris

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Little River Water Gardens * 3771 108th Ave. SE * Norman * Ok * 73026 * Phone: (405) 872-0791