Lrwg Store
Taro, Canna & Iris
Bog Plants

Here are some excellent choices of colors and textures for your pond.

Note:  Use the links at the bottom of this page to view other plants in this category.

Imperial Taro
Imperial Taro

Black Princess Taro
Black Princess Taro

Dark green foliage overlaid with velvety black.  Prefers some shade.  Zones:  9-11

Violet Stemmed Taro
Violet Stemmed Taro

Violet stemmed form of the exotic green taro.  Dark and velvety green leaves.  Zones:  9-11

Longwood Variegated Canna
Longwood Canna

Variegated Longwood Canna with large leaves and boldly striped with yellow.  Bright orange flowers.  Zones:  7-11

Water Canna--$8.00  (Choose Colors Below)

Yellow Canna

Pink Canna

Red Canna

Orange Canna

Need more color for your pond?  The water canna with their beautiful blooms and green foliage will surely spice-up your pond.   Zones:  7-11

Yellow Iris
Yellow Iris

Purple Iris
Purple Iris

White Iris
White Iris

Blue Water Iris

Red Water Iris

Black Water Iris

Iris's with their large petal flowers will add beauty and color to any pond.   Zones:  4-11

Bull, Pickerel, Spike & Zebra Rush

Cattails, Horsetail & Lizard's Tail

Papyrus, Paper Reed, P. Wort & Poppy

Rainbow, Sagittaria, Sw'flag & Thalia

Arrowheads & Umbrella Palms

Mint, Bamboo & Celery

Floating & Aerating Plants

Use the navigational bar to the left to navigate to other plant categories....

Little River Water Gardens * 3771 108th Ave. SE * Norman * Ok * 73026 * Phone: (405) 872-0791