Nice accenting plants and colors.
Note: Use the links at the bottom of this page to view other plants in this category.
Rainbow Plant |
$8.00 |
Perfect plant for along the outside of the pond to shield your liner. Multi-colored, heart shaped leaves of yellow,
cream, green, red, and maroon. Works good as a ground cover or a water plant. Zones: 6-11
Sagittaria |
$8.00 |
Tall and excellent foliage with white clusters of flowers. Zones: 8-11
Red Stemmed Thalia |
$8.00 |
Red leaves, supported on red stems. Zones: 9-11
Variegated Sweetflag |
$8.00 |
Great for distinctive accenting. Zones 4-11
Has the iris-like leaves that has a distinctive sweet aroma when crushed. Zones: 4-11
Bull, Pickerel, Spike & Zebra Rush
Cattails, Horsetail & Lizard's Tail
Papyrus, Paper Reed, P. Wort & Poppy
Arrowheads & Umbrella Palms
Mint, Bamboo & Celery
Taro, Canna & Iris
Floating & Aerating Plants