Lrwg Store
Rainbow, Sagittaria, Sw'flag & Thalia
Bog Plants

Nice accenting plants and colors.

Note:  Use the links at the bottom of this page to view other plants in this category.

Rainbow Plant
Rainbow Plant

Perfect plant for along the outside of the pond to shield your liner.  Multi-colored, heart shaped leaves of yellow, cream, green, red, and maroon.  Works good as a ground cover or a water plant.  Zones:  6-11


Tall and excellent foliage with white clusters of flowers.  Zones:  8-11

Red Stemmed Thalia
Red stemmed Thalia

Red leaves, supported on red stems.  Zones:  9-11

Variegated Sweetflag
Variegated Sweetflag

Great for distinctive accenting.  Zones 4-11


Has the iris-like leaves that has a distinctive sweet aroma when crushed.  Zones:  4-11

Bull, Pickerel, Spike & Zebra Rush

Cattails, Horsetail & Lizard's Tail

Papyrus, Paper Reed, P. Wort & Poppy

Arrowheads & Umbrella Palms

Mint, Bamboo & Celery

Taro, Canna & Iris

Floating & Aerating Plants

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Little River Water Gardens * 3771 108th Ave. SE * Norman * Ok * 73026 * Phone: (405) 872-0791